Photo Anastasiya Zazuliak, Wroclaw, 2021 / Фото Анастасія Зазуляк, 2021, Вроцлав
Photo Anastasiya Zazuliak, Wroclaw, 2021 / Фото Анастасія Зазуляк, 2021, Вроцлав
Series of photos, created during the festival Sheshory/ArtPole
Reactor #4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant nearing completion | Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union. November 1983 via Historic Photographs and Soviet Visuals
О проекте монументального памятника, посвящённого III Интернационалу, разработанного архитектором Владимиром Татлиным. 1920 год.
Travelling between tiny islands in the Meditrranean Sea one realizes that actually the whole human civilization, a part of which we are now, appeared and has been evolving around this water basin. At islands like Malta it is even more evident - it does not have own natural resources and is fully dependent on supplies that are transported from the continent. Nevertheless, throuout the history there was a constant battle for this territory in the middle of the sea, starting from crusades and later on. This is why refugee crisis so much matters for Europe, because the drama takes place in the waters of Meditrranean Sea.
Реконтексти історії, Мала Галерея Мистецького Арсеналу, з серії "Утеплення"
Recontexts of History, Small Gallery of Mystetskyi Arsenal, from "Insulation" series
14.06 – 28.07.2019
BWA Wroclaw Glowny
Looking at the ongoing tendency of institutionalization of Ukrainian art via images of war, poverty, oligarchs and prostitutes, homeless and marginals, far-right movements, drugs, ecological disasters, alcohol and drug addiction, I'm wondering, if the Cold War really ended up long time ago, or we, Ukrainians, experience life on stretched on 1316 kilometers front line, where East and West resolve own issues. I'm also wondering, if anybody in Ukraine is capable to look at the existing problems not exclusively from local perspective of amusement with Soviet mosaics.